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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shipping charges are old news!

Good afternoon to my fellow GG lovers!

We have some super exciting news! But first, we want to share some other info..

We have started another branch to Green Genes! It's called Girlie Genes, and its ALL girl stuff. Dresses, headbands, hair bows, if its girlie, its there!

Check us out on Facebook! Click here ----> GIRLIE GENES ON FACEBOOK.

We also want to point out that we know there are SO many WAHMS out there. Especially Cloth Diaper WAHMS. So many do such amazing jobs, and you can quickly get lost in the sea of sellers.

We always try to think of ways to set ourselves apart from the market. We hate to think that we just become 'just another WAHM'.... Well, we've come up with something amazing and SUPER awesome for you guys!

NO MORE SHIPPING. If you visit our store on Hyena Cart Store, and you add items to your cart - you will NEVER see shipping (in Continental US only. Please send us a message after checking out, for everyone else). (Custom orders WILL have shipping added)

FREE SHIPPING!! On headbands, hair bows, dresses, pants, training pants, DIAPERS!

Our diapers run on the more cost-effective side of a lot of popular WAHMS, as well, and we feel this gives us a great advantage!

With our One Size diapers starting at $30 (and going up to $40, depending on fabric, but $30-32 is average), this is a GREAT deal!

Check out our shop today! We have a few diapers and some headbands up. We also have one ADORABLE 4th of July dress in a size 12mo!

Have a great day, everyone! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March is Mad!

March is already here! I know a lot of you back East, are wishing this nasty cold weather away! Here in California, we feel like Spring completely skipped us and we're straight into Summer!

Our March Madness is going strong, and we have 1 more group to wrap, before we finish this month! I'm excited to get back to stockings in April! Any diapers you're hoping to see?

A few awesome announcements this month:
  • Green Genes meets CPSC Regulations. What does that mean? Well, it means that your child's diapers are SAFE for them. They're certified to be safe against lead and flammability. You can be rest assured when you buy Green Genes, that you're getting only the best for YOUR best!
  • We have altered our soakers, we hope that everyone will LOVE them. A few switcheroos, and now an added booster/doubler for those super heavy wetters!
  • April is almost here! Do you know what THAT means?! ANNIVERSARY!!! 2 years! We have some amazing stuff planned, so make sure you get notifications on our Facebook page! 
  • We also are going to be participating in a few other WAHM/Retailers giveaways! Again, make sure you follow us on Facebook to find out! 
Happy Tuesday, everyone!!